Friday, February 8, 2008

It's not unusual.....

Insert old school mental image of Carlton from the Fresh Prince doing his Tom Jones dance. No, really, in all seriousness. I wanted to write a quick blurb about feeling lost. Whatever you are--1, 2, 3 days, weeks, months, years out of college, we all may feel a little lost at some point or may ask ourselves if we have made the right decisions that have led us to where we are today.

I truly believe that feeling lost is a wonderful thing. The sooner we recognize that where we are or what we are doing in life may slightly be off kilter from our expectations, the sooner we are en route to exploring who we really are and what we are really capable of in life. There are few people who have their life 100% together right out of college, and thats OK. Imagine if our life was absolutely set for us at the age of 22 or 23. Let's look at it as exciting to think that we are at the beginning of a new adventure in the process of figuring out our next move. It's almost like a game.

So, when you are sitting at home, wondering when you will ever feel settled, happy, or content with life, don't fear this feeling. Embrace it because it means you are open to the possibility of new, exciting, unknown beginnings.

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